A Mechanic In Madhya Pradesh Just Invented A Car That Runs On Fuel As Cheap As Rs 10 Per Litre!

The market for environmentally friendly cars is getting bigger and while India and automobile companies around the world are looking for more eco-friendly ways to reduce pollution and use better fuel in their cars, a mechanic in Madhya Pradesh has invented a car that runs on fuel derived from water and carbide.
After several experiments and working hard for over six months in his workshop, Raees Markani, 44, finally came up with this eco-friendly car that runs on a fuel as cheap as Rs 10 to 20 per litre. Though the vehicle looks like another remodeled car, a closer look reveals details of the technology used to create it.

The technology used to run it

The car runs on acetylene gas, which is formed from a chemical reaction between calcium carbide and water. The gas is used for several industrial purposes including welding and portable lighting for miners. Markani said that the invention would come as a major relief to Indians who spend around Rs 70 a litre on petrol.
Markani added that he refused a Chinese firm, which was interested in using his innovation, asking the investors to set up the plant in his hometown. The invention comes at a time when automobile companies are looking to use cleaner, more eco-friendly fuel in their cars. Markani has filed for a patent for the innovation. 
Though very few buyers actually ask for an environmentally friendly car, the demand for them is increasing gradually and the manufacturers definitely have to keep up and offer something new and better. 
So, with this innovation coming at a time when the demand is high, Raees certainly has lots to be happy about!
Mechanic from MP designs car that runs on water, carbide                  
                    Src taken form Indian times

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